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Maine Local Living School
nurturing the human-earth relationship

Who We Are
Maine Local Living School is a working homestead and place-based education center founded in 2008. Our programs emphasize building regenerative relationships with the earth and each other, learning practical skills for wise living, and cultivating capacities for observation, stillness and gratitude. We do these through School Programs, Apprenticeship, Community Programs, and the Family Sustainability Stay. Participants carve, weave, wild-gather, cultivate, compost, harvest, sew, plant, thresh, winnow and construct a life that honors the limits and abundances of our places. Local living is a process of coming to know the earth as home. For us, coming home has meant coming alive. We welcome you to join!

“First we must fall in love. Then we can make the world over.”
- N.F.S. Grundtvig


School Programs:
Kindergarten through University

Community Programs

Family Sustainability Stay

"In the end the experience was so much more amazing and releasing than I could have imagined. Mulberry jam, drum making, carrying water, helping to harvest and cook, give and receive...Words fail to describe how much we enjoyed and learned!"
-2019 Family Stay Participant
Land Acknowledgement
The land where Maine Local Living School is located was cared for, for thousands of years, by the Nanrantsouak (Norridgewock) people. Settler colonialism in Wabanakik / Maine was predicated on forced removal and genocide of Wabanaki. We acknowledge that we live on and benefit from this unceded land.
We are grateful for the ancestors of people indigenous to this land, and Wabanaki of today, who resisted and continue to resist colonialism and oppression. We affirm the inherent sovereignty of the Wabanaki, and recognize our responsibility to be active accomplices in working to change public policy, dominant culture, and material conditions toward justice for
Wabanaki Nations and people.
On Justice

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