Maine Local Living School
nurturing the human-earth relationship

Our mission is to nurture the human-earth relationship through the practice of living locally. We share traditional and contemporary skills for living wisely in our place. It is our belief that through living locally we can invigorate a world-view of gratitude and responsibility toward human and earth communities.

Sense of Place
A home is more than a house: it is a place that feeds you, shelters you, clothes you, and nourishes your spirit. Making bread with acorns, healing a cut with fir pitch, sharing tomatoes with a neighbor—these are acts of home-making, place-making, and connection.
A home is also a place you respect deeply and care for ferociously. A home extends as far as one can forge connection. Taking sustenance from, and contributing to, the communities of Maine is what makes Maine our home. Developing sense of place is coming home. Coming home is coming alive.
Note from the Founder: In my youth I did not know that when I transitioned from leave-no-trace camping to foraging food, building shelters, and cooking with fire, my own “sense of place” was deepening. I had not figured out that I was reconnecting invisible threads woven between place and life. What I did know was that the work was intensely fun, and that I felt alive and at home in the woods. Maine Local Living School is a learning place for humans of all ages to "drop anchor" and build relationships with the living world through direct participation.